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Government rejects the Select Committee’s key recommendation on removing asbestos within 40 years

26 July 2022

The Work and Pensions Select Committee has published the government’s response to its report on how the Health and Safety Executive manages asbestos. What the government says in its response In the response, the government rejects the Committee’s key recommendation. The Committee members had called for a strategy to deal with the risks posed by…

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Ask your MP to support Early Day Motion 93

20 July 2022

Please write to your MP about Early Day Motion 93. This asks Cape Holdings PLC to make a £10 million donation towards mesothelioma research. If you wish, you can use the following template. Remember to tell your MP how you have been affected by an asbestos related disease. Template for writing to your MP Dear Insert…

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Fatalities Caused By Work Related Accidents are Completely Over-shadowed by Fatalities from Work Related Asbestos Diseases

13 July 2022

The news media, (TV, Radio, Newspapers and News websites), regularly report work-related accidents, especially those which end in a fatality. However, the number of fatalities at work caused by accidents is very small compared to the number of fatalities caused by exposure to asbestos at work. Just over 200 people died least year in work…

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Cape Must Pay Petition

12 July 2022

We have been asked by our newsletter readers to repeat the link to the Cape Must Pay Petition.  So far we have collected  1,300 signatures, but we need many more than that if we are to bring Cape to account. Please sign the petition and ask your friends and family to sign it too.  You…

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Our annual report and accounts for 2021-22

4 July 2022

You can find our annual report and accounts here on the Charity Commission website. If you prefer to see a quick summary, the two pie charts below show where our income comes from and how we spent it.  We are pleased to say that we are using some of our income from last year to…

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We’re going blue for meso on Action Mesothelioma Day!

1 July 2022

Mesothelioma kills more than 2,400 people each year so it’s time for action! Exposure to asbestos is virtually the only cause of the incurable cancer mesothelioma in the UK. Asbestos needs to be removed from as many schools, hospitals, public buildings and homes as possible. And it needs to be removed as soon as possible.…

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If you have asbestosis , pleural thickening or pleural plaques, we want to hear from you!

29 June 2022

Dr Gareth Walters, Clinical Director of the Birmingham Regional NHS Occupational Lung Disease Service (hosted by University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust) is looking for patients with the following asbestos related conditions: Pleural plaques Visceral Pleural thickening Asbestos pleurisy Asbestosis to talk about their thoughts, beliefs and experiences on living with asbestos related disease, and…

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MPs Call for Zero Asbestos

20 June 2022

The Parliamentary Select Committee for Work and Pensions has called for the removal of asbestos from all non-domestic buildings. The Committee wants this to happen within 40 years. The government’s response is expected in the next few days. The minister responsible for the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), Chloe Smith, has acknowledged that the government…

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Neil from ASCE, looking through the template

Go Blue For Meso on Action Mesothelioma Day

31 May 2022

On Friday 1 July we’re being asked to raise awareness of mesothelioma by Going Blue for Meso. It’s easy to do. Dress all in blue You can dress all in blue. When your friends comment on your choice of outfit you can explain that it’s Action Mesothelioma Day. Just being able to pronounce the word…

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Back to meeting face-to-face

30 May 2022

We’ve started meeting face-to-face again, although we’re still taking a cautious approach to visiting people at home. On International Workers’ Memorial Day, Thursday 28 April, we hosted a reception for our supporters at our new offices in The Warehouse.  About 30 people attended.  Celebrating contributions to our work One of our trustees, Neil Vernon, gave…

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