“I used to climb mountains, now I struggle to walk to the shops” Reg Harris and his family write to Ran Oren COO of Altrad

Reg Harris coming up to the first belay on Right Twin Aonach Mor Nevis

Like many others, Reg’s story is heart wrenching and emotional Reg writes “I have been diagnosed with Mesothelioma which has drastically curtailed my once fit and healthy lifestyle. I have worked most of my life in the building trade, many years as a plumber with a Local Authority on housing stock, schools and various other public buildings. I used…

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The benefits of hospice care are not just for the end of life

tranquil scene

When we hear the word ‘hospice’ it can conjure up difficult feelings and thoughts about death. The very mention of the word can be upsetting.  People often think of hospices as the end of the road.  But hospices are not necessarily what we imagine.  A hospice provides a type of care. It’s not just a…

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Thank goodness Asbestos Support Central England exists and continues to help people with asbestos related diseases!

Maureen Chetwyn writes: My husband Bob, (Pictured during his treatment) was diagnosed with mesothelioma on the 30th of July 2014. I consider myself very lucky to have shared a further two-and-half years with him, until the the 11th of December 2016. During this period we enjoyed several holidays together. (We went whale watching in Canada.)…

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Patients with incurable asbestos-related cancer have seen processing times for benefits and government compensation double  

Mesothelioma patients have seen an increase in processing times for applications from 24 days in 2022 to 48 days in 2023 New research from Mesothelioma UK, the national asbestos-related cancer charity, has confirmed that times for processing benefits and government compensation claims for mesothelioma patients have doubled within a year. This is also our experience…

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Looking out for the symptoms of mesothelioma

My name is Emily-Jane Scandrett. I’d like to raise more awareness about the symptoms people experience leading up to their diagnosis.  Not just awareness for the general public but for health care professionals too… as my diagnosis took a horrid 17 months! What to look out for Below are the symptoms listed on the MesotheliomaUK…

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The Broken Ones take on the Hallow 12 Parish Challenge

My name is Sue Farrall. On September the 2nd 2022 I was given the devastating news that I have mesothelioma. The story so far Mesothelioma is an incurable form of cancer caused by exposure to asbestos. I was 56 years of age with a 25 year work history in community pharmacy. I did not fit…

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Pick up a penguin

Mr Ken Dorsett picking up a penguin

One of our oldest service users, Mr Kenneth Dorsett, proves that there’s life after a diagnosis of mesothelioma. He met a penguin while staying at his local hospice. And he even got to pick the penguin up for this photo.

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Helen Bone’s Mesothelioma Blog

You can read Helen’s blog here. She calls her blog, ‘It is what it is’. If you’re impressed, why not try creating your own blog for family, friends and other people who have an asbestos related disease? Spread the word about the risks from asbestos.

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10 ways to help you relax when you have an asbestos related disease

Woodland path by water with a footbridge across it

Living with an asbestos related disease is stressful at the best of times. Relaxing activities can help us feel better physically, mentally and spiritually. In a new article Nurse Dana Nolan reminds us that they can also help us to improve our immune function and reduce inflammation and digestive problems [1]. The key to finding…

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