Thank goodness Asbestos Support Central England exists and continues to help people with asbestos related diseases!

Bob ChetwyndMaureen Chetwyn writes:

My husband Bob, (Pictured during his treatment) was diagnosed with mesothelioma on the 30th of July 2014. I consider myself very lucky to have shared a further two-and-half years with him, until the the 11th of December 2016. During this period we enjoyed several holidays together. (We went whale watching in Canada.) And I was able to care for him at home. He desperately did not want to go into hospital.

Our first Christmas without him was awful

After Bob died,and the inquest and funeral had taken place, we had our first Christmas without my love and best friend. It was awful. Times passes, and although I still feel bereft of him, the pain does ease.

I organised a memorial bench

Initially I coped by having loads of administrative tasks to deal with – changing accounts into my name for with the utility companies, banks, etc. and obtaining grant of probate. Then I organised a memorial bench for Bob, in fields where he used to walk and overlooking his beloved allotment. I still miss Bob every day. He was my rock and I find decision making very hard without him.

Asbestos Support Central England

The help we received from Asbestos Support Central England was invaluable, and I thank the team sincerely for their timely advice. It was given so freely and made our journey so much easier to bear. Thank goodness you exist and continue to help us!