“I used to climb mountains, now I struggle to walk to the shops” Reg Harris and his family write to Ran Oren COO of Altrad

Reg Harris sat above the Annapurna Base-Camp in the Himalayas

Reg Harris sat above the Annapurna Base-Camp in the Himalayas

Like many others, Reg’s story is heart wrenching and emotional

Reg writes “I have been diagnosed with Mesothelioma which has drastically curtailed my once fit and healthy lifestyle. I have worked most of my life in the building trade, many years as a plumber with a Local Authority on housing stock, schools and various other public buildings. I used your products on a regular basis so I was exposed to the dust from them. I was not made aware of the dangers until much later on. But you, as the manufacturers, were aware but chose not to make this significant information widely known. And it appears that you did this just for the sake of profit!

A life of mountaineering and caving

“Until my diagnosis I had, for my recreation, a life of mountaineering and caving. I regularly climbed in the British Isles and also trekked in mountainous areas such as the Alps, the Himalayas, South America, and Poland. I enjoyed rock climbing, caving and just generally being in the high mountains… Now when I ought to be enjoying my retirement, walking in those environments, I have difficulty even walking to the shops!

I am extremely concerned about what the future holds

Reg Harris Taking care on greasy rock in mixed winter conditions on the Aonach Eagach Ridge(the narrowest ridge on the British mainland)

Reg Harris taking care on greasy rock in mixed winter conditions on the Aonach Eagach Ridge(the narrowest ridge on the British mainland)

“This shocking diagnosis, followed by the uncertainty of treatment and not knowing what the future may hold, has been extremely traumatic for me. I am especially concerned about what the future holds for my family.

“I will never come to terms with the knowledge that this disease was entirely preventable. If the warnings on the dangers of asbestos had been acted upon by you, I and thousands of others, would never have to endure the pain and suffering that asbestos related diseases cause.”

What Reg’s family have to say…

Glen Harris writes, “The mesothelioma that ravaged my dad’s health has had a profound affect on him, and on us as family”  Because of his mesothelioma my parents going from hardly ever being at home, to now being at home most of the time and unable to do anything.”

Reg’s wife Issy writes “My family has been rocked by my husband’s diagnosis with mesothelioma . Reg was once a very active man, who enjoyed cycling, mountaineering and trekking. We were looking forward to visiting many more countries together with our children and grandchildren. Now our young grandchildren question why he can’t join in the fun and activities.”

His son Ross writes, “I hope you never have to suffer watching the slow, undignified deterioration of a loved one to asbestos related disease and cancer. It’s horrifying to witness someone’s vibrancy and zest for life disintegrate almost overnight.”

His son-in-law Gordon write, ‘To look at Reg now, I see a shadow of himself. He must rely on his family and friends to be able to function in the most basic ways. Reg is having his independence slowly taken from him. I trust you will come to understand the pain your company has caused.”

Reg Harris in a tight squeeze in Great Douk

Reg Harris in a tight squeeze in Great Douk

What your company has done to me

His daughter “D” writes, “Mr Oren, have you ever feared for the future? Or been angry at somebody you don’t know for completely and utterly destroying the lives of those you love? Have you ever grieved for someone who is still there but is a shell of their former self? Have you ever felt resentment towards someone for something that was completely preventable? Have you even panicked that you might forget precious memories of the kindest, gentlest man you know? That is what your company has done to me.”