Action Mesothelioma Day gets everyone in a flutter

Sixty people attended our Action Mesothelioma Day event at the Church in Carrs Lane, Birmingham. The picture shows the Act of Remembrance at the start of the meeting. We commemorated the more than 5,500 people who are killed each year by asbestos related diseases. At least 225 of them come from our region. We also…

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Update on Altrad

Our campaign to persuade Altrad – the current owners of Cape – to do the decent thing and make a £10 million donation to mesothelioma research has not gone away. On the contrary, it is gathering pace! New experts endorse our campaign Two new experts have called upon Altrad to help the cause of research…

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From The Channel to The Med

Glen Harris writes: Last year my dad, was diagnosed with Mesothelioma, an incurable form of cancer caused by exposure to asbestos. Mesothelioma is an incurable form of cancer caused by exposure to asbestos. The risks of asbestos exposure My dad can trace his exposure back to when he was younger working as a plumber, and…

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“I used to climb mountains, now I struggle to walk to the shops” Reg Harris and his family write to Ran Oren COO of Altrad

Reg Harris coming up to the first belay on Right Twin Aonach Mor Nevis

Like many others, Reg’s story is heart wrenching and emotional Reg writes “I have been diagnosed with Mesothelioma which has drastically curtailed my once fit and healthy lifestyle. I have worked most of my life in the building trade, many years as a plumber with a Local Authority on housing stock, schools and various other public buildings. I used…

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Intrepid team tackles marathon challenge

  Five intrepid people are planning to undertake the 26 mile Hallow 12 Parish Challenge on Saturday 6 July 2024. The marathon hike takes participants through 12 picturesque parishes in the Worcestershire countryside. The people taking part Sue Farrall, (third from left) and Emily-Jane Scandrett (second from right) have both been diagnosed with mesothelioma, a…

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Remember the dead! Fight for the living!

A crowd of more than forty people braved the rain on Saturday at the workers’ memorial in the grounds of St Philip’s Cathedral in Birmingham. They had gathered to mark Workers’ Memorial Day. The kay note speaker was Shelly Asquith, the TUC’s national Health, Safety and Well-being Policy Officer. The event closed with the laying…

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The Broken Ones take on the Hallow 12 Parish Challenge

My name is Sue Farrall. On September the 2nd 2022 I was given the devastating news that I have mesothelioma. The story so far Mesothelioma is an incurable form of cancer caused by exposure to asbestos. I was 56 years of age with a 25 year work history in community pharmacy. I did not fit…

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