The benefits of hospice care are not just for the end of life

tranquil sceneWhen we hear the word ‘hospice’ it can conjure up difficult feelings and thoughts about death. The very mention of the word can be upsetting.  People often think of hospices as the end of the road.  But hospices are not necessarily what we imagine.  A hospice provides a type of care. It’s not just a building.

Community hospice teams

A lot of hospice work is carried out in the community, supporting patients at home.  It’s true that hospices are for people whose illness cannot be cured but that doesn’t mean that nothing can be done to treat you.

Pain management

Hospices are the best at managing pain and other symptoms. There are doctors attached to them who are specialists in this kind of care.  People sometimes go and stay in a hospice for a few days so that doctors can find just the right combination of medication for them – and then they send the patient home again.

Holistic care

Hospices offer a holistic care service. This may include practical advice, psychological support, occupational therapy and physiotherapy as well a variety of activities that are there to help you feel as well as you possibly can, mentally and physically.  One of our service users even got to meet a real live penguin! They can also offer support to those who are close to you.

Don’t be alarmed

So if someone suggests a referral to a hospice to you, don’t be alarmed.  In my experience people who have used hospice services always speak very highly of them. They are glad to have had that support.

Fore more information click here.

Caroline Gerrard, Benefits Adviser & Case Handler for ASCE

Picture © Neil Bishop