Marian’s story: the impact of mesothelioma on my mental health

Marian, a former social worker who lives in Birmingham, shares her thoughts and feelings about being diagnosed with mesothelioma.

In October last year my life changed. A brief telephone call, from one of the medical registrars from the Hospital where I had undergone investigation, told me that I had a rare form of cancer and there was no cure.  I asked about chemotherapy and was told it would give me possibly a few more months

I was completely devastated by the news of my impending death and the way in which it was delivered. Neither myself nor my family knew if I would actually be around for Christmas! It’s not surprising that I still have to cope with depression, which no amount of tablets can cure. Since my diagnosis I have lost over a stone in weight, I cannot stand for any length of time and I do become very tired.

But… I can still walk for about 20 minutes, I enjoy my food and eat three meals a day – a balanced diet. I have improved physically after my hospital discharge home.  I have made personal links with a Hospice Nurse, a named GP, the District Nursing Team, and – of course – Asbestos Support Central England. On a day to day basis my adult son cares for me –  and I have continuous  contact with my other son, courtesy of  Zoom.

I think the link between physical and emotional health is extremely important. Personal contact with caring professionals has given me some form of hope – which all of us need.

Hear more stories about the impact of mesothelioma. Join us on Zoom on Friday at 11am. Email for the link.

Photo by Alex Iby on Unsplash