Sophie Phillips has retired from MesoUK

Sophie Phillips has retired after almost five years as Mesothelioma UK’s nurse specialist for the West Midlands. Members of our Mesothelioma Support Group said an emotional farewell to her at their September meeting. She not only helped to organise and run the group but also acted as a specialist point of contact for mesothelioma patients across the region. She also organised an annual Mesothelioma in the Midlands day conference for other nurse specialists and acted as an adviser to them when they needed any  guidance about supporting their own mesothelioma patients. She will be continuing to help us as one of our trustees.

Sophie’s post was originally funded by the family of another trustee and this year, for the first time, we began providing funding towards some of the cost of Sophie’s work. We have worked closely with Sophie to try to ensure patients get a rounded service. We provide advice about benefits, compensation and pursuing a legal case where this is possible. Sophie has provided expert medical advice. We very much hope this relationship will continue when a new Mesothelioma UK nurse is appointed.

The support group is open to anyone with mesothelioma and their carers or partners.

Sophie Phillips' last support group meeting

Members of the support group with Sophie (in orange) at her last meeting.

Picture © Irwin Mitchell Solicitors.