If you have asbestosis , pleural thickening or pleural plaques, we want to hear from you!

Dr Gareth Walters, Clinical Director of the Birmingham Regional NHS Occupational Lung Disease Service (hosted by University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust) is looking for patients with the following asbestos related conditions:

  • Pleural plaques
  • Visceral Pleural thickening
  • Asbestos pleurisy
  • Asbestosis

to talk about their thoughts, beliefs and experiences on living with asbestos related disease, and on available treatments, provision of NHS medical care and compensation advice.  This will enable us to identify future research priorities for the region, and provide a better service for NHS patients.

If you would like to be part of this patient engagement initiative, or “focus group”, which we envisage will take place between August and the end of September, then please contact Dr Walters by email at gareth.walters@uhb.nhs.uk or via telephone at Birmingham Chest Clinic 0121 424 1940/1910.  It is likely that focus groups will take place face to face in Birmingham, and details will be provided closer to the time, though this could move online if the pandemic necessitates it. Any travel costs will be reimbursed.

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