Intrepid team tackles marathon challenge

  Five intrepid people are planning to undertake the 26 mile Hallow 12 Parish Challenge on Saturday 6 July 2024. The marathon hike takes participants through 12 picturesque parishes in the Worcestershire countryside. The people taking part Sue Farrall, (third from left) and Emily-Jane Scandrett (second from right) have both been diagnosed with mesothelioma, a…

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Patients with incurable asbestos-related cancer have seen processing times for benefits and government compensation double  

Mesothelioma patients have seen an increase in processing times for applications from 24 days in 2022 to 48 days in 2023 New research from Mesothelioma UK, the national asbestos-related cancer charity, has confirmed that times for processing benefits and government compensation claims for mesothelioma patients have doubled within a year. This is also our experience…

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The Broken Ones take on the Hallow 12 Parish Challenge

My name is Sue Farrall. On September the 2nd 2022 I was given the devastating news that I have mesothelioma. The story so far Mesothelioma is an incurable form of cancer caused by exposure to asbestos. I was 56 years of age with a 25 year work history in community pharmacy. I did not fit…

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My journey with mesothelioma and what I am learning from it

Helen journeying with mesothelioma

My name is Helen and I have mesothelioma – please don’t stop reading because this can affect every single one of us, and not enough is known about its symptoms, effects and prognosis.  Why not?  Is it because we can’t outlive it?  I wonder how many people are interested in those cancers that cannot be…

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Watch Dr Xand Talking to People About Mesothelioma

People living with mesothelioma report that this is an excellent programme from the BBC. It features Liz Darleston, the CEO of Mesothelioma UK, as well as two patients who talk about their condition. They explain how they were exposed to asbestos. Something to share with your friends. The link is here.  

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Don’t let the dust settle!

Did you think the danger from asbestos is a thing of the past? It isn’t. The importation, supply and use of asbestos was banned in 1999, but it might still be in any building built or renovated before 2000. This is particularly true of work done between the 1950s and the 1980s. It is estimated…

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