Sue and Emily-Jane did it! …with a little help from their friends.

Emily-Jane and Sue

Sue Farrell and Emily-Jane Scandrett (on the left), both diagnosed with mesothelioma, have successfully completed the Hallows 12 Parish Challenge. This was a marathon walk across the Worcestershire countryside, which included a steep climb and lots of rain and mud. They were supported by friends and colleagues from our Mesothelioma Support Group. They came to…

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Update on Altrad

Our campaign to persuade Altrad – the current owners of Cape – to do the decent thing and make a £10 million donation to mesothelioma research has not gone away. On the contrary, it is gathering pace! New experts endorse our campaign Two new experts have called upon Altrad to help the cause of research…

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From The Channel to The Med

Glen Harris writes: Last year my dad, was diagnosed with Mesothelioma, an incurable form of cancer caused by exposure to asbestos. Mesothelioma is an incurable form of cancer caused by exposure to asbestos. The risks of asbestos exposure My dad can trace his exposure back to when he was younger working as a plumber, and…

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Intrepid team tackles marathon challenge

  Five intrepid people are planning to undertake the 26 mile Hallow 12 Parish Challenge on Saturday 6 July 2024. The marathon hike takes participants through 12 picturesque parishes in the Worcestershire countryside. The people taking part Sue Farrall, (third from left) and Emily-Jane Scandrett (second from right) have both been diagnosed with mesothelioma, a…

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The benefits of hospice care are not just for the end of life

tranquil scene

When we hear the word ‘hospice’ it can conjure up difficult feelings and thoughts about death. The very mention of the word can be upsetting.  People often think of hospices as the end of the road.  But hospices are not necessarily what we imagine.  A hospice provides a type of care. It’s not just a…

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And the Most Inspirational Fundraiser award goes to…

One of the members of our Butterfly Group, Sally Anne Reedman, lost her husband Michael to mesothelioma in November 2012. Since then she and her family have raised awareness and much needed funds for Mesothelioma charities like ours. In October 2023, Sally Anne and her daughter Emma received the ‘Most Inspirational Fundraisers’ award from Mesothelioma…

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Thank goodness Asbestos Support Central England exists and continues to help people with asbestos related diseases!

Maureen Chetwyn writes: My husband Bob, (Pictured during his treatment) was diagnosed with mesothelioma on the 30th of July 2014. I consider myself very lucky to have shared a further two-and-half years with him, until the the 11th of December 2016. During this period we enjoyed several holidays together. (We went whale watching in Canada.)…

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