The number of women with asbestos related diseases is growing


After asbestos was banned in the UK in 1999 it was assumed that the number of people with an asbestos related disease would reach a peak and then start to decline. This still isn’t happening. One reason is that asbestos related diseases mostly affect older people. Life expectancy has increased by six years since 1990.…

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Open Letter to Ran Oren, Joint CEO of Altrad

Altrad Demo (2)

On 26 October the Forum of UK Asbestos Victims’ Support Groups sent the following open letter to Mr Ran Oren, the Joint CEO of Cape’s parent company Altrad. He is also the sole director of Cape Intermediate Holdings. It was addressed to his office at 125, Rue du Mas de Carbonnier, 34000 Montpellier in France.…

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The risks from asbestos in schools

School Class

At the beginning of this school term the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) began a series of inspections to see how schools are managing the risks from asbestos. Why the HSE has begun inspecting schools for asbestos exposure In July 2022 the HSE had acknowledged for the first time that people who work in schools…

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We need to learn the lessons from asbestos

Storm Clouds

The story of asbestos is a warning of worse to come. Industry enthusiastically embraced asbestos after World War II. It was cheap and plentiful. It was easy to use and ideal for insulating things or making them more flexible. Despite warning signs, no one stopped to consider its impact on the environment or on human…

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Join us on the National Demonstration Against Cape at 1pm in Warrington on Friday 30 September


Caped  defenders of justice take on Cape offenders of justice On Friday 30 September at 1pm a demonstration will be held outside the head offices of Cape Industrial Services, a subsidiary of the Altrad multinational corporation. Members and supporters of the Asbestos Victims Support Groups’ Forum UK will be dressed as Caped Defenders of Justice. We…

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