Supporters of ASCE demonstrate outside Altrad’s UK headquarters

Supporters of Asbestos Support Central England went to Rotherham on Wednesday to protest outside Altrad’s UK headquarters. Altrad is the owner of Cape, a firm which manufactured asbestos products and caused an epidemic of asbestos related diseases. Some of the people pictured are patients with the disease mesothelioma. Others have been bereaved by this incurable…

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The Guardian lambasts Altrad

An article in today’s GUARDIAN accuses Altrad (Altrad UK Ireland And Nordics) of trying to whitewash its reputation by sponsoring international rugby. This is the first major press coverage of our #CapeMustPay campaign. Read the article for yourself at…/uk-asb”estos-firm-owners… We are only asking Altrad to donate the same sort of money to mesothelioma research…

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