There’s a new Cape Must Pay video

A volunteer professional has now made a new Cape Must Pay video. It was made at one of the demonstrations outside Altrad’s offices in Rotherham and Warrington on Frday 30 September. You can watch it here.

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Asbestos Support Central England very much regrets the sudden death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and acknowledges her long period of public service to the realm

Asbestos Support Central England very much regrets the sudden death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. We wish to aknowledge her long period of public service to the realm. Our services will continue as usual during the period of national mourning but we will be closed on the day of her funeral. This is likely…

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Our annual report and accounts for 2021-22

You can find our annual report and accounts here on the Charity Commission website. If you prefer to see a quick summary, the two pie charts below show where our income comes from and how we spent it.  We are pleased to say that we are using some of our income from last year to…

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Coming to terms with uncertainty

Benjamin Franklin, one of the architects of the America constitution, wrote in a letter to a friend, “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” It wasn’t an original idea. He borrowed this joke from the forgotten English playwright Christopher Bullock. But he made it famous. All of us…

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A personal view of mesothelioma by Rob Harper

Rob's band oranised a fundraising concert for ASCE before Christas and so far has raised £2,500 for our work. Rob is thirs from the right, and is wearing a red waistcoat.

It seems many years ago now that I was asked by Doug Jewell, who was then the manager of Asbestos Support Central England (ASCE)), if the Clarion Choir would sing for Action Mesothelioma Day. Clarion have long been prepared to support and raise awareness of issues that affect working people and their families so they…

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