asbestos information
How mesothelioma can affect your emotions
A new study by researchers at the University of Sheffield looks at the way mesothelioma can affect your emotional well-being. By ’emotions’ the researchers mean feelings like ‘loss, grief, anxiety and isolation’. They studied patient records over a 40 year period. Why is mesothelioma different from other cancers? Any cancer diagnosis can affect people in…
Read MoreA mesothelioma patient explains why he’s glad he sought legal advice
It was the 11th August 2020 and I was leaving my local hospital with a diagnosis of Mesothelioma! The following few days were very challenging really as my wife and I had to begin to come to terms with what the diagnosis meant. We had to inform family and friends, and discuss treatment options, as well…
Read MoreHow much did the boss know?
People are sometimes appalled to discover that they were exposed to asbestos during their working life. But equally often, they will say, ‘We worked with asbestos all the time. No one knew any better in those days. We thought it was a safe material to use.’ Their manager, or the owner of the firm, may…
Read MoreBe careful where you go for on-line information
People who have asbestos related diseases need to be careful when they search on-line for information, guidance and support. This is often the natural thing to do when you or a loved one has just been diagnosed with one of these diseases. Look carefully at who is providing the information you find on-line Our advice…
Read MoreAre there hidden dangers lurking in your make-up?
Talcum is a mineral which is often found alongside deposits of asbestos. When the talcum, or talc, is mined asbestos can be collected inadvertently at the same time. Any asbestos is supposed to be removed when the talc is refined into a powder. Where is talc used in cosmetics? Talc is commonly used as a…
Read MoreThe Founder of Worcester Bosch Boilers Died From Mesothelioma
The closing days of last year saw the death of Cecil Duckworth. Mr Duckworth founded Worcester Bosch, one of the leading manufacturers of central heating boilers. His wife Beatrice reflected that he must have been exposed to asbestos dust, almost the sole cause of mesothelioma, when he was making the first boilers. At the time…
Read MoreCoping with mesothelioma anxiety
Long term mesothelioma patient Tamron Little offers these reflections about how she copes with the fear of mesothelioma. “To be told that you have cancer… creates a tremendous sense of fear. Having a cancer such as mesothelioma is hard on the person and their family members because it is a tough diagnosis. “The fear of my…
Read MoreA Real and Present Danger From New Trade Negotiations
Trade negotiations are not just about imposing or removing tariffs. They are also about removing unnecessary barriers to trade. Asbestos Support Central England is concerned that, when we are negotiating new trade agreements, we will be asked to accept the same rules that apply in other countries. The implications for trade with the USA Asbestos…
Watch this short video to find out about the launch of Action Mesothelioma Day 2021 .
Read MoreHow your gender affects your experience of mesothelioma
Working with Sheffield Univeristy and HASAG Asbestos Disease Support, the asbestos support group for London and the South-east, the charity Mesothelioma UK has published a new study of the ways your gender can affect your experience of mesothelioma. Differences in the work people have done Mesothelioma is often diagnosed after a person has retired, and…
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