Help Mesothelioma UK set priorities for its research

The Mesothelioma UK Research Centre team at the University of Sheffield is seeking the views of people living with mesothelioma and their family members or close friends, (including bereaved carers). They are also keen to hear from people who are treating, caring and supporting people with mesothelioma. This includes clinicians, academics, lawyers, asbestos support group workers and charity representatives with professional or volunteer experience.

The team is inviting you to complete a survey. They would also like you to share this with anyone else you know who is eligible and may be interested in taking part. This exercise is focused on the experiences of patients and carers in the UK only.

What you need to do

The survey involves answering some brief questions about yourself. Following this, you will be asked to watch eight short video recordings, each 1-2 minutes long. They present identified research gaps. The survey will then ask how important you consider each of these research gaps. It will also ask you about any additional topics or aspects of the patient and carer experience that you consider to need further research.

Further information about this research is provided at the start of the survey. Completing the survey will take approximately 20-25 minutes.

HERE is the link to access the survey

Please complete the survey by Monday 31st May 2021. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the team at