Why is the the government asking victims of injustice to help sort out a mess of its own making?

It is now more than two months since Justin Tomlinson, the Minister of State for Disabled People, Work and Health, made promises to right any injustices caused by the pandemic. But we still don’t know whether claimants with asbestosis & pleural thickening are to be denied part of their compensation under the government’s lump sum compensation scheme because of the delays caused by Covid and the DWP’s reluctance to get to grips with these.

The victims of this injustice deserve action but instead his department are now asking them to supply examples of unfair treatment. They don’t need to do this, because cases are piling up all the time in the intrays of civil servants at the DWP. This request for help seems like idleness and prevarication. Why should the government clean up its own mess if someone else can be made to do it for them?

We need to see a prompt change to the petty-fogging rules which are causing these ongoing injustices. If you have been affected by the delays, please let us know so that we can take up your case. And please send a Tweet or an email to Justin Tomlinson, or to his Facebook page, (@JustinTomlinson). Add some of these tags to your tweet or Facebook post: @DWP @JustinTomlinson @ActionNow #NoMoreEmptyPromises #zeroasbestos

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash