How to support someone who has an asbestos related disease

Tamron Little is a mesothelioma survivor. She has been living with peritoneal mesothelioma for a number of years. In a new blog post for she describes several ways in which we can all support people who have an asbestos related disease.

Covid-19 has meant that all of us are more isolated from family and friends than we would like. This is especially true for people with cancer or a respiratory disease. They have to shield themselves from possible infection by the virus.

Tamron suggests some ways in which patients can help one another, and family and friends can offer their support too.

These are her suggestions:

  • Ask how – not if – you can help. This will give the person you are asking permission to seek your help when they need it. If they don’t need your help at the moment, they will say so.
  • Offer to have a chat with them on-line or over the phone. Just knowing that someone is willing to give time to us can be very encouraging.
  • If you are a person of faith, offer to say a prayer for them. Even if the person you are praying for doesn’t believe it will help, they will still know you are thinking abou them. They may be glad of your prayers.
  • Send a ‘thinking of you’ card. It’s always nice to know we haven’t been forgotten.
  • If it’s safe, do something practical. If you have already offered to help someone, and they have accepted your offer, see if there is anything practical you can do to help them. As the proverb says, ‘A little help is worth a lot of pity.’

You can read her article here.

Photo by ‏🌸🙌 في عین الله on Unsplash


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