Sophie Phillips has retired from MesoUK

Sophie Phillips' last support group meeting

Sophie Phillips has retired after almost five years as Mesothelioma UK’s nurse specialist for the West Midlands. Members of our Mesothelioma Support Group said an emotional farewell to her at their September meeting. She not only helped to organise and run the group but also acted as a specialist point of contact for mesothelioma patients…

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Exposing asbestos in cosmetics and talc

Harminder outside the supreme court

Hannah’s story Hannah Fletcher was diagnosed with peritoneal mesothelioma at the age of 41. This is a cancer caused by asbestos exposure. Her story can be heard in the BBC Radio4 podcast called “Talc Tales” available on BBC Sounds, Spotify and other platforms. She instructed Harminder Bains from Leigh Day to advise her on bringing…

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What it’s like on a drug trial

Ian Terry 2

We find that our service users are always interested to hear about new drug trials and what happens if you join one. Here Ian Terry (pictured) writes about his experiences: 19 months after a pleurectomy operation I still have no symptoms, but a recent scan revealed some regrowth of my mesothelioma. I was offered the…

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Sue and Emily-Jane did it! …with a little help from their friends.

Emily-Jane and Sue

Sue Farrell and Emily-Jane Scandrett (on the left), both diagnosed with mesothelioma, have successfully completed the Hallows 12 Parish Challenge. This was a marathon walk across the Worcestershire countryside, which included a steep climb and lots of rain and mud. They were supported by friends and colleagues from our Mesothelioma Support Group. They came to…

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A big thank you to players of the National Lottery!

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We’re proud to be part of a family of fantastic organisations across the UK that are making communities  better places to be with the help of people who play the National Lottery. In our case the community we serve is region-wide. It brings together all the people with asbestos related diseases whom we help, support…

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