Hilary and Dave share their story about how they raised over £2000.
“Christmas was looming and the reality of Dave’s illness progression was hitting home. We recalled key moments on this “journey” and Helen’s visit from ASCE stood out. Back in July, with Dave newly diagnosed, we were completely at sea; shocked and bewildered. Within days of our phone call to ASCE Helen arrived; calm, compassionate, and hugely knowledgeable, armed with information, useful contacts and benefit forms….she sorted us out! At least one full day of her time, exclusively for us, in our own home and many hours saved by her benefit expertise. Absolutely priceless.
And so, come November, the idea dawned to start a fundraiser for ASCE. Far easier than we’d envisaged and unbelievably well received by friends and family all desperate to help and share their love and support. Word spread fast. We only started off asking close family and friends for a donation in lieu of Christmas cards and presents and those people passed on the link – friends of our grown-up children, old friends, new friends. To be honest, we are astounded by the response, and it is wonderful that Dave can experience that sense of love and respect.
Don’t be apprehensive about starting your own fundraiser, there’s nothing to lose and much to gain.”
Hilary and Dave