The Forum of Asbestos Victims’ Support Groups is calling patients, carers, friends and relatives to mobilise for a day of action. We intend to demonstrate outside the head offices of Cape International Holdings.
Why we are mobilising against Cape
This is the company which manufactured asbestos insulation board. It recently spent a fortune trying to prevent the courts from releasing documents which showed that Cape knew how dangerous asbestos dust could be but successfully lobbied the government to water down allowable exposure limits and product warnings.
We would like them to spend a small fortune on research into asbestos related disease
The Forum is calling on Cape to donate £10 million to research into mesothelioma. We chose one asbestos related disease to keep things simple and because mesothelioma research was badly affected by the pandemic. However, Cape’s products were also responsible for causing asbestosis, pleural thickening and asbestos related lung cancer.

Caped heroes to the rescue against Cape
How you can help
If you are able, please join us for the demonstrations outside Cape’s head offices in Warrington and Rotherham. Nearer the time we will decide which demonstration to support. This will depend on how many people are taking part in each place. Whichever one we attend, we hope to provide transport to get there. We will also stop somewhere for afternoon tea on the way back.
The theme is Caped Heroes against Cape International, so if you’ve got a Batman costume now could be the right time to dust if off. Or you could bring along some tools of your trade to remind Cape of the vast range of people who have been affected by their products.
The demonstrations will take place at 1 pm on Friday 30 September. If you would like to take part please contact us at
Please sign the petition
If you can’t join us on the demonstration or if you haven’t already done so, please sign our petition. So far we have collected more than 1,500 signatures but we need thousands more to put pressure on Cape. You can sign here